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Our Work

The future of entrepreneruship is bright and it's inevitable. Therefore, the pathway that leads to successful small businesses should be as easy to navigate as possible. Mac Motivations is at the helm of innovation. We are focused on creating purposeful people who run purposeful businesses. This is our work!

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01 Purpose Discovery

The Make A Pact With Purpose Challenge

This program sets the stage for the aspiring entrepreneur by helping them to discover the purpose for their business and for their lives. It is the most critical step in this system.

02 Purpose Development

The Seven Levels of Personal Success

This program focuses on developing the small business owner so that they can become a person that success follows. Here you will learn to develop character and gain the wisdom needed to become a great business man or woman.

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03 Purpose Deployment

The Purposepreneur Network

The participants of this purpose development system will have access to a network of resources to help them become successful in their entreneruship journey. You will have the latest knowledge to help you navigate the uncertain world of entrepreneurship.

04 Small Business Growth and Management

The Meeting of Masterminds

What better way to be involved and grow as an entrepreneur than to learn from a group of high level entrepreneurs who not only care about growing their business but also care about growing themselves. This is the space for you!

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